The Uyghur Sufi Musics
The Uyghur Sufi lodges maintain a unique musical tradition in their large-scale zikr rituals . The practice of zikr, found amongst Sufis across Central Asia, Iran, and Turkey, refers to the recitation of the names of Allah and Islamic saints. Amongst the Uyghurs this ritual is popularly termed helqe (sohbet): ´circling (and talking)´, while zikiri (zikr) refers specifically to the ritual chants. The ritual song
hokmet is sung in a free metered falsetto, with a plangent melody. As the names and deeds of the saints, in this tradition the founder of the lodge and the subsequent generations of his disciples, are recited, the men attending the ritual weep. As the singer moves into the metered section, at first the men kneel and rock back and forth energetically, then they begin to move in a large circle, moving their arms to the beat and chanting. Each chant has a specific rhythm, and up to seventeen may be performed in the course of a ritual, lasting up to seven hours. In the Khoten region, up to the 1970s, Sufi rituals were accompanied by musical instruments, including bowed and plucked lutes and percussion. This practice has now virtually died out, although some groups still use sapaye percussion sticks to accompany their chants.
Women Sufi ritualists, known as buwi, are numerous across the region. Their rituals are similiar in form to those of the men, although the melodies of their ritual songs (
munajat) differ from the
hokmet of the men. The buwi also sing at shrine (
mazar) festivals, they may serve as mourners at funerals, and they conduct healing and exorcism rituals (
khetme) in peoples homes. Their plangent monajat songs, usually sung unaccompanied, are considered to be very moving. ... icle1.html