“QATRON Sufi School of Perfection”
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Yazar:  yolbars [ 24.02.10, 17:36 ]
Mesaj Başlığı:  “QATRON Sufi School of Perfection”

“QATRON Sufi School of Perfection”

Sufi Tabib

In the nineties of the last century, our countryman Safarboy Kushkarov started to implement theoretical and practical features of Mysticism into life using different experiments. He managed to cover many aspects of Mysticism in a short time and at the same time tried to discover new features in Sufism. Sufi Tabib's life proves that Sufism is a belief which adapts itself to the changing world without losing its own specialty.

Some words about Sufi Tabib should be mentioned here. His ancestors used to live and work in Jizzah city and later in Bahmal region of Jizzah oblast. Safarboy lost his parents at an early age and was brought up by his uncles and relatives. His passion for foreign languages brought him to the Foreign Language Institute at Tashkent. While he was studying French and Spanish, a strange and unnatural power called him to help and cure people. A strong headache, which would not let, him live and sleepless nights were making him suffer. Safarboy was not able to understand it. While he was a student of the third course, he started to dream of unnatural situations, where strange powers were teaching him which plant was a cure for a given disease or pain. Slowly, Safarboy started to understand why these strange powers were disturbing him so much. He saw the reason in the fact that his ancestors were strong medicos, warriors and sorcerers. Safarboy understood and believed that these powers were left in his blood from the genes of his ancestors and he started to dream about continuing their job. He started to carry out and to accomplish this difficult and complicated mission. In those times. Uzbekistan was part of the Soviet Union where any works or actions connected with unnatural states were prohibited. During that time, Safarboy was full of power, actively participating in sports, particularly in karate, where he obtained a black belt. He was sent to Moscow where he started to cure his collegues and friends using different herbs and massages. Italian scientists noticing his special abilities invited Safarboy to Italy and opened a private clinic in Milan for him, where alternative medicine was practised. By this time Safarboy started receiving unknown messages about different secrets of the medical science. Hundreds of people started to get recoveries and healings in his clinic. As a wise man he went to Tibet (China), India and Turkey with the help of his Italian friends, where he could gather new information about alternative medicine. But Saparboy started to realise that, no matter how much he learned abroad, the secret teachings of his ancestors were much higher and more important. At the beginning of the nineties of the last century, Safarboy moved back to Jizzah with his family. Before he had the opportunity to live in many different and beautiful cities. Nevertheless, neither his achievments nor the opportunities offered to him abroad or the beautiful places and cities could replace his own mother country.

Maybe because his ancestors used to live in the Jizzah region, a strange power always called him back to Jizzah. First, Safarboy wanted to establish an alternative medical centre called YASSAVIY TRUKISTON there. But this was not easy because soviet thinking was still strong. Officials hesitated to give the necessary permissions, and other obstacles were also put in his way. But Safarboy could overcome all difficulties; he built his clinic and started to heal. With the time he became so successful that more and more sick people came to him, also from other countries. The methods he used for healing were only known by his ancestors: herbs, massages of special points of the body, making his diagnosis by pulse-feeling and by prayers using his strong internal breathing. With the time his healing powers became very strong. In the middle of the nineties he started to dream periodically about the Suras in the Koran with the explanations which Sura would be the cure for which disease or pain. Maybe because of this or because his ancestors were strong Sufis and following the genealogy of his ancestors, he called himself Sufi Tabib.

Sufi Tabib opened various centres in Tashkent and Jizzah, namely YASSAVIY TURKISTON, a centre of alternative medicine, YAKDILLIK, a centre of Sufi medicine, SOFDIL COSMETIC, a centre of Sufiy cosmetology, ZURMERGAN, a centre of Sufi gymnastics, choreography and martial art, KO'K SIRLI MASJID, a mosque painted blue, SUFIYLIK OLAMIDA, a cultural centre, UMRI BOQIY, a centre of Sufi martial arts. In this way, Sufi Tabib created his own school of teachings in which he developed Sufi medicine, martial arts, gymnastics, calligraphy, art of respiration, national traditions, choreography and cosmetology.

His greatest dream during the past years was to establish a school of his own practical teachings and he wanted it to be in Jizzah city, a dear city to his ancestors.

The main objective of this school is to influence and to put a soul to the way the young people are brought up by transmitting knowledge and practical lessons. But first of all he wants to insert patriotic feelings into their minds and hearts, to increase their interest in national traditions, customs, handicraft, folk games and so bring them up as healthy minded, strongly built, perfect people aware of their national values.

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